SDG 12: Influence Responsible Consumption and Production

  1. Al-Maarif University College works closely with catering suppliers to ensure that locally and ethically sourced meat, fruit, and vegetables are used within all food outlets.
  2. The University’s commitment to ethical procurement is detailed within the Ethical and Sustainable Procurement Policy.
  3. Responsible waste disposal is a priority at the university, ensuring that we protect not only our land by ensuring we have enough external bins in the right places for food, mixed recycling, and general waste.
  4. This includes the disposal of Hazardous and Offensive materials as well as how we minimize the use of plastic and disposable items on site.
  5. Working closely with our waste contractor the University tracks waste generated across its estate, covering all waste streams created, location, and recycling.
  6. The University is committed to pushing the SDG 2030 agenda across its networks and using its partnerships and resources to drive impact toward SDG goals.

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